Biophysical Environmental Assessments


Biophysical Environmental assessments assess both the biological and physical elements of a proposed development to identify and reduce any potential impacts to the environment. To complete Biophysical Environmental Assessments, Keystone Environmental biologists look at a specific set of environmental components including soil, vegetation, wildlife, hydrology and biodiversity for that specific project and development area.

biophysical environmental assessmentsOur biologists take a practical and innovative approach, and look at natural habitat features that may be significantly interlinked with the neighbouring environment such as ecological connectivity, watercourses and wetlands. These assessments include a comprehensive review, site investigation, regulatory review and consultation, detailed report writing, imagery and analytical tools to showcase specific site conditions. Once completed Biophysical Environmental Assessments provide our clients with detailed descriptions of the existing site conditions and design options on the suitability for future development opportunities to aid in decision making. These options include prospective environmental impacts of the development and options to mitigate these impacts.

Biophysical Environmental assessments are intended to:

  • Prevent the deterioration of the environment’s quality and maintain the biodiversity, connectivity, productivity, and sustainability of ecosystems;
  • Ensure respect for the sensitivity of the physical, biological, and human components of the receiving environment;
  • Protect the life, health, safety, well-being, and comfort of humans;
  • Promote and support the population’s participation in the assessment of projects influencing their living environment.

Keystone Environmental has completed several terrestrial and aquatic strategic environmental assessments, which include:

  • Watershed assessments including; stream channel assessments, flora and fauna presence, fish habitat assessment, habitat restoration opportunities, etc.
  • Life history studies, residence studies, population estimates, and multiple trapping and capture techniques
  • Habitat studies include marine and freshwater flora and fauna usage, habitat carrying capacity and identify sensitive habitats and threatened and endangered species
  • Forestry Operations Compliance Audits (bridging, culverting and stream-side setbacks)

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