Environmental Site Assessments (ESA)


environmental site assessmentsEnvironmental Site Assessment (ESA) objectives are to gather information about the history of a site, the potential for there to be contamination, and if there is, intrusive investigations to assess potentially affected media. In achieving this objective, a balance is required between the level of effort afforded the investigation while ensuring sufficient information is obtained to make informed, practical and cost-effective decisions. By applying experience gained at hundreds of sites as well as current technical knowledge, Keystone Environmental is able to strike this balance.

We design investigation programs to achieve success as defined by the client – be it overall project cost, fast-tracked clean-up to permit development or, for example, risk management solutions. We are successful because of decades of experience and recognized technical expertise. Our highly-trained and skilled professional staff approach every project with one clear objective: to meet our client’s goals with integrity, honesty and practicality.

Environmental Site Assessment ~ Phase I / 
Preliminary Site Investigation ~ Stage I

The purpose of a Stage I Preliminary Site Investigation is to determine if there is a potential for substances to be present in environmental media such as soil, groundwater or vapour of a particular property at concentrations exceeding the applicable standards. The scope of work will include the following elements:

  • A review of past property uses of the the site and immediately surrounding area, within the limits of available data from municipal and provincial authorities
  • A site reconnaissance
  • Interviews with persons knowledgeable with respect to site activities
  • A review of available and applicable documents and reports
  • Preparation of a report including, if required, recommendation for a work program and budget for a Stage II PSI.

Stage I Preliminary Site Investigations are carried out in conformance with the CSA Standard Z768-94, and next to BC ENV requirements for Certificate of Compliance Submission.

Environmental Site Assessment ~ Phase II / 
Preliminary Site Investigation ~ Stage II

The purpose of a Stage II Preliminary Site Investigation (PSI II or Phase II) is to investigate the site to determine if potential contaminants of concern identified in the Stage I PSI are present at concentrations exceeding the CSR Standards. The investigation is intrusive and typically involves the excavation of test pits and/or drilling of borings and installation of monitoring wells. An excavator or drill rig is typically involved. Soil, groundwater, vapour, sediment or surface water samples are obtained and analyzed for the specific constituents of interest.

Analytical results are compared to the appropriate standards contained in the Contaminated Sites Regulation or CCME for Federal Sites. Based on this evaluation, a conclusion regarding the presence of contamination at the site is made and a recommendation regarding the need for further investigation is provided.

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