Erosion Sediment Control Engineering


erosion sediment controlToday nearly every construction site must manage erosion and sediment runoff. Our engineering team evaluates the site-specific requirements and provides detailed designs for erosion and sediment control works.

If your project requires work on landscapes that involve land disturbances, land development and land management then incorporation of an Erosion Sediment Control plan is a smart move and in most cases required by the municipality. While working on sites like subdivisions, commercial sites, parks, other recreational areas, mixed use developments, highways, transmission lines (power, oil, and gas), farms, forests and surface mines our engineers will be a resource to ensure your projects will: run according to regulation, be permitted efficiently and perform exceptionally.

Erosion Sediment Control engineers are trained and tested on each of these subjects and have proven their proficiency on subjects including but not limited to:

  • Regulations – Federal & Local
  • Permitting – types, authorities and methods
  • Permitting application requirements for – municipalities, construction activity and industrial activity
  • Erosion & Sediment Site Planning and Management including: resource planning, hazards associated with urban development, land development plans, scheduling and implementation
  • Predicting Soil Loss – via the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) and the Modified Universal Soil Loss Equation (MUSLE)
  • Procedures for estimating Gross Erosion including: sheet, total and wind erosion
  • Runoff Management Planning and the associated equations and considerations to address: soil permeability, precipitation and hydrologic cycle
  • Soil Stabilization Mechanisms (Erosion Control) including: vegetation, bio-technical protection, soil tackifiers and stabilizers, turf reinforcement mats, hydraulically applied erosion control products, erosion control blankets and other related technologies.

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