Mining Industry Services
Keystone Environmental has achieved recognition in the field of mining-related environmental engineering, geology and science by anticipating, exploring and responding to the needs of our clients in a timely and solution-oriented manner.
We have attained a reputation of successfully completing programs which satisfy both the client and regulators. Our programs are implemented with client-focused project management and selection of highly-trained and qualified professional teams best suited to the project. We then apply innovative approaches for the design of effective, results-oriented solutions.
The Keystone Environmental mining team is composed of scientists and engineers selected as much for their technical and negotiation skills, as for their experience in the mining industry. The team members have direct experience in petroleum and mineral exploration and mining and they participate in local and national exploration and mining organizations.
The Keystone Environmental mining team is able to providing mining-related environmental and engineering services nationally and internationally:
- Hydrogeological services
- Wastewater Treatment System Design and Implementation
- Surface Water Quality Monitoring
- ARD Evaluation and Management
- Environmental Impact Assessment
- Mine Closure, Decommissioning and Reclamation
- Environmental Due Diligence Programs
- Environmental Baseline Studies
- Regulatory Compliance and Negotiation
- Environmental Permitting and Approvals
- Aquatic and Wildlife Biology and Terrestrial Ecology
- Archaeology and Heritage Resource Assessment and Management