As spring approaches, so do sensitive timing periods for a variety of wildlife. In British Columbia, the majority of native birds and their nests are protected under the provincial Wildlife Act and federal Migratory Birds Convention Act. Some all year round, and most only when active (i.e., occupied by a bird or its egg).

In the Lower Mainland, the nesting period is generally between March 1 and August 31; however, some birds, such as the Bald Eagle and Great Blue Heron may nest between January and September. Although not always a legislated requirement, bird nest surveys can be an effective tool to reduce the risk of harming actively nesting birds if vegetation clearing for your environmental project is required during the bird nesting window.


Keystone Environmental’s professional biologists, Qualified Environmental Professionals (QEPs), can help identify active nests before vegetation is cleared. QEPs conduct surveys within four hours of sunrise to capture peak activity periods and decrease the risk of incidental take (i.e., harm or harassment of birds or their nests). The surveys include a combination of passive listening and low-intensity sweeps (i.e., transects) of the area. This technique allows the surveyor to observe key nesting behaviour and identify potential nests. If a nest is found, a setback is determined based on the species of bird and where it is located. This area is then protected until the nest is determined to be inactive.

For further clarification regarding regulations protecting birds or for more information on how Keystone Environmental can guide you through this process, please contact Jamie Slogan at:

ac.la1743419126tnemn1743419126orivn1743419126eenot1743419126syek@1743419126nagol1743419126sj1743419126 or call 604-430-0671