Raminder Grewal

P. Eng., President | Shareholder

Mr. Raminder Grewal has over 20 years of experience and provides senior level expertise, project management and cost control for the performance of detailed site investigations, remediation planning and design, human health and ecological risk assessments, and acquisition due diligence assessment. He also assists clients in negotiations with local, provincial and federal regulators and approving agencies, conducts public information meetings and provides expert and second opinion services.

Following graduation from the University of British Columbia with a degree in Geological Engineering (Environmental and Geotechnical) in 1998, he continued his formal education completing his Certificate in Project Management in 2006.

Since 1998, he has held a variety of progressively senior positions in the environmental engineering consulting industry, culminating in project management roles and management of the contaminated sites departments. During this period, he designed contaminated sites investigations and remediation plans.

In January 2007, Mr. Raminder Grewal became a partner and in 2013, President at Keystone Environmental Ltd. Mr. Raminder Grewal was appointed to the Roster of Approved Professional under the provisions of the BC Environment Management Act in the capacity of a Standards Assessment Specialist in 2009.