Mr. Jeremy Nilson is a Registered Professional Biologist in BC with extensive experience in environmental consulting including watercourse assessment, aquatic impact assessment and mitigation, restoration and enhancement, regulatory permitting, instream works monitoring, erosion and sediment control monitoring, and environmental management.
Jeremy is knowledgeable of federal, provincial, and municipal environmental policy, legislation, and practices particularly in the context of the intersection of aquatic and riparian habitat management. He has extensive experience working with multiple stakeholders and/or regulators on complex projects. He has assessed environmental impacts of development as related to aquatic and riparian habitats, environmentally sensitive areas and features, and other ecological habitat values.
Jeremy has experience in writing and delivering reports that meet or address federal, provincial, and regional environmental regulatory requirements including environmental assessments with mitigation and offsetting. He is very experienced with respect to stream and riparian construction monitoring including designing to best environmental standards, mitigation of impacts by pre-planning and active management during works, and implementation of best management practices and industry standards.