Riparian Areas Regulation Assessment (RAR)


Riparian Areas Regulation Assessment (RAR) was enacted under Section 12 of the Fish Protection Act in July 2004. The Fish Protection Act was subsequently re-titled the Riparian Areas Protection Act in February 2016. The Riparian Areas Regulation calls on local governments to protect riparian areas during residential, commercial, and industrial development by ensuring that a Qualified Environmental Professional (QEP) conducts a science-based assessment of proposed activities.

riparian areas regulationRiparian areas link water to land. They border streams, lakes and wetlands. The blend of streambed, water, trees, shrubs and grasses in a riparian area provides fish habitat, and directly influences it. Keystone Environmental biologists conduct stream assessments to determine the appropriate development setbacks regulated by local municipal Streamside Protection Enhancement Areas (SPEA), or to identify potential riparian or in-stream restoration opportunities.

Keystone Environmental’s experienced QEP biologists have assisted clients in securing the necessary municipal RAR approvals since the regulation was passed over a decade ago. We are familiar with the specific requirements that vary among the local governments who have adopted the RAR and those that follow their own specific SPEA bylaw to determine appropriate riparian setbacks. Keystone Environmental has a practical approach to determining appropriate riparian setbacks to achieve local development approvals, while protecting the environment.

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