Last week BC Assessment released real property assessments to owners based on market values as of July 1, 2022, and physical condition of the property as of October 31, 2022. The deadline to file an appeal on an assessed property value is January 31st.

When establishing the market value for a property, BC Assessment considers the property’s unique physical characteristics. However, it does not take into consideration contamination hazardous materials, or other environmental constraints, which can reduce land value, and ultimately your property assessment.

If you want to understand your property better and the condition of its environment, Keystone Environmental provides Environmental Site Assessment services. We review current and past property uses of the site and surrounding area with the available data. Our subsidiary, Sterling IAQ Consultants, provide mould consulting and hazardous building materials assessment (asbestos, lead based paints, mercury, etc.) and can help you understand the condition of your property.

Contact us to learn how we can support you on your property evaluation needs.

#EnvironmentalConsulting #BCPropertyAssessment