On The Blog
Stay informed by reading our regularly posted articles on industry updates.
Understanding Biological Regulations: Bird Nesting & Japanese Beetle
Our Biological Services department is made up of professional biologists and technicians with expertise in providing understanding and updates on biological regulations. We help our clients...
Learn About Our Contaminated Sites Risk Assessment Services
Keystone Environmental’s Contaminated Sites Risk Assessment services provide a practical and cost-effective approach to remediating contaminated sites in accordance with the BC Contaminated Sites...
Keystone Environmental’s First Podcast
Out with the old, in with the AI! As we kick off 2025, we’re diving into cutting-edge AI tools to make our work smarter, faster, and greener. Our newest AI teammate has already helped us with our...
Revision to Vancouver’s Groundwater Management Bulletin
Earlier this month, the City of Vancouver updated its Groundwater Management Bulletin. Here are some common questions and answers to help understand the revisions that are effective as of November...
Revisions to BC ENV Protocol 6 – Applications with Approved Professional Recommendations and Preapprovals
On August 12, 2024, BC Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy (BC ENV) released an updated version of BC Contaminated Sites Regulation Protocol 6 (Version 13.0). The changes bring...
Keystone Environmental’s Commitment to Net-Zero by 2050
In a landmark move last year, Keystone Environmental proudly announced its participation in the Government of Canada’s Net-Zero Challenge. This initiative encourages businesses to develop and...
Revisions to BC ENV Protocol 19 – Site Investigation and Reporting
The BC Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy (BC ENV) issued Protocol 19 – Site Investigation and Reporting on February 1, 2023 and issued revisions to the Protocol on August 12, 2024....
Do You Know How Different Provincial Regulations Impact You When Transporting Hazardous Waste?
We understand that changing legislation is difficult to keep up with, especially when each province has different regulations. Keystone Environmental can support Hazardous Waste Transporters who...
Keystone Environmental Drone Services
Did you know that Keystone Environmental has in-house drones? Our drones are used to gain a wider perspective on a project and the environmental activities or measures in place.They are remotely...
Changes to BC ENV Protocol 19 – Site Investigation and Reporting
The BC Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy (BC ENV) issued Protocol 19 – Site Investigation and Reporting on February 1, 2023. The protocol specifies site investigation and reporting...
NPRI Reporting for 2023 Calendar Year Due in June
The National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI) reporting deadline for the 2023 calendar year is June 1st, 2024[i]. The NPRI reporting program is managed by Environment and Climate Change Canada...
Changes to BC ENV Pre-Approvals
The BC Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy (BC ENV) has recently made changes to Pre-Approvals required under Protocol 6 to give more professional judgement authority to...
Updated WorkSafeBC Licensing Requirements for Asbestos & Abatement Management
Sterling IAQ Consultants Ltd., a subsidiary of Keystone Environmental, are experts in indoor air quality, testing, mold, hazardous materials, and occupational safety and hygiene. There are new...
Do You Know About Our Riparian Areas Protection Regulation Services?
Keystone Environmental provides services that address the provincial Riparian Areas Protection Regulation (RAPR). Here are the most common questions and answers to help you learn more about our RAPR...
Did You Know that Contamination Can Impact Your Land Value & BC Assessment?
Earlier this month, BC property owners received a notice with the assessed market value of their property as of July 1, 2023. When establishing the market value for a property, BC...
Q&A Series on our Spill Response Services
Keystone Environmental is highly experienced with spill planning and response activities. Here’s a Question-and-Answer series with our Spill Response Coordinator, Sabrina McCarthy, to answer some of...
Learn About our Sonar Services
Did you know that Keystone Environmental provides sonar scanning services? Here are the most common questions and answers to help you learn more about sonar services and how it can support you on...
Keystone Environmental Announces Two New Shareholders
We are delighted to announce a significant milestone in the growth of Keystone Environmental. Two leaders in our Biological Services Department, @Warren Appleton and @Jeremy Nilson, have officially...
Updates on Species and their Regulations
Photo Credit: Rawpixel Our Biological Services department is made up of professional biologists and technicians with expertise in providing updates on biological regulations – we help our...
NPRI Reporting for 2022 Calendar Year Due in June
The National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI) reporting deadline for the 2022 calendar year is June 1st, 2023. The NPRI reporting program is managed by Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC)...
35 Year Anniversary Celebration
In 1988, Keystone Environmental opened its doors, and this year, the company enters its 35th year of business. In March, we celebrated this anniversary milestone at the elegant Rosewood Hotel...
Understand How the Migratory Birds Regulation can Affect Your Development Project
The Migratory Birds Regulation (2022) (MBR), prohibits the capture, kill, take, injure or harassment of migratory birds without a permit and protects migratory bird nests when they contain a live...
Stage 14 Amendments to the BC Contaminated Sites Regulation: Reminder and Update
Stage 14 Amendments to the BC Contaminated Sites Regulation: Reminder and Update To streamline the soil relocation process and improve ministry oversight, the BC Ministry of Environment and Climate...
Letter From The President
Message From the PresidentRaminder Grewal, P.Eng. Keystone Environmental is extremely proud to be marking its 35th anniversary this year – a significant milestone that only a few companies can...
Is Contamination Affecting your BC Property Assessment?
Last week BC Assessment released real property assessments to owners based on market values as of July 1, 2022, and physical condition of the property as of October 31, 2022. The deadline to file an...
Permit to Practice: Understanding the New Framework
Permit to Practice: Understanding the New Framework What is the New Framework On February 5, 2021, the Professional Governance Act (PGA) came into force and replaced the Engineers and Geoscientists...
Upcoming Contaminated Sites Regulatory Changes for BC and Ontario
British Columbia: Stage 14 Amendments to the Contaminated Sites Regulation To streamline the soil relocation process and improve ministry oversight, the BC Ministry of Environment and Climate Change...
Keystone Environmental Expands into Ontario
Keystone Environmental Ltd. is proud to announce the opening of a new office location in Ontario effective October 1, 2022. With increasing demand of environmental services across the nation, we are...
Japanese Beetle Soil Movement Restrictions – Updates for 2022
Source: www.Gardentech.com What is the Japanese Beetle? On March 19, 2022, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) made several updates to its response to control the Japanese beetle (Popillia...
National Day of Mourning – Taking Time to Pause and Reflect
Photo credit: WorkSafeBC The National Day of Mourning is observed in Canada on April 28th. It’s a day to honor workers and their families who have lost life or have suffered injuries or illness due...
Keystone Environmental Named one of Canada’s Top Small and Medium Employers for 2022
Burnaby, BC – April 5, 2022 – Keystone Environmental is proud to once again be named one of Canada’s Top Small and Medium Employers for 2022. This is the fifth consecutive year the company has been...
NPRI Reporting for 2021 Calendar Year Due in June
The BC Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy (BC ENV) are proposing to change the regime for soil relocation in British Columbia
Bird Nesting Season is Here
As spring approaches, so do sensitive timing periods for a variety of wildlife. In British Columbia, the majority of native birds and their nests are protected under the provincial Wildlife Act and federal Migratory Birds Convention Act.
Proposed Regulatory Changes for Soil Relocation in BC
The BC Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy (BC ENV) are proposing to change the regime for soil relocation in British Columbia
Contamination Can Impact Your BC Assessment Value
Every year, BC Assessment produces independent assessments for all property owners in the province. Information for 2022 was released on January 4th and is based on market values as of July 1,...
Get Radon Testing for your Home to Reduce Health Risks
DID YOU KNOW? Radon - a natural occurring gas from the ground - can build up indoors and is the second leading cause of lung cancer What is Radon? Radon is an active and dangerous gas that is...
Keystone Environmental enters into Partnership with Indoor Air Quality Specialists, Sterling IAQ
Keystone Environmental President, Raminder Grewal, with Sterling IAQ President, Michael Glassco.Burnaby, BC – October 4, 2021 – Keystone Environmental Ltd. is pleased to announce that they have...
Water Sustainability Act (WSA) Section 10 Use Approval
The Use Approval under Section 10 of the Water Sustainability Act (WSA) have caught many developers, site owners, and contractors off-guard in the past couple of years. Construction sites, mine...
Meet Our Engineers
In honour of March being Engineering month, we are taking the time to introduce you to some of the engineers on staff at Keystone Environmental. Mathew Barker, P. Eng. and Christina Chan, P. Eng....
Tank ERPs | Petroleum Storage Tank Emergency Response Plan
Petroleum Storage Tank Emergency Response Plans (Tank ERPs) are designed to swiftly provide pertinent information about the tank, its’ contents, and its’ surrounding area to personnel for spill...
Women in Science 2021
In 2015, the General Assembly adopted a resolution to establish an annual International Day to recognize the critical role women and girls play in science and technology communities. In welcoming...
Keystone Environmental Ltd. Announces 4 New Shareholders
Today, February 1, 2021 Keystone Environmental Ltd. 33 anniversary, we are pleased to announce four new shareholders to the organization. "These team members have made a considerable impact on the...
British Columbia Wetlands | A Cause for Celebration
Burns Bog, located in Delta, BC is the largest peat bog in Western Canada (Photo Credit: Nathan Bendriem) by Nathan Bendriem, Junior Biologist In British Columbia, wetlands make up about 5.28...
Site Disclosure Statement Process Changes
The BC Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy (BC ENV) has recently been granted changes to the Site Profile process within Bill 17 (May 2019) which contained amendments to the...
Understanding the types of Environmental Risk Assessments in the BC Contaminated Site Regulations
by Adam Radlowski, M.Sc., R.P.Bio The BC Contaminated Sites Regulation (CSR), under the Environmental Management Act, specifies the requirements for site remediation in the province. The BC CSR...
What is a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment and why do I need one?
The purpose of a Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) is to determine if there is a potential for contamination to be present on a site. Schedule 2 of the BC Contaminated Sites Regulation...
At a Snail’s Pace | Considerations for the Oregon Forestsnail during Development
By: Corrie Allen, M.Sc., R.P.Bio. Species at Risk are a central consideration in the early design phases of a proposed development project. While the large, charismatic megafauna like grizzly bears...
Site Identification Process Changes
The BC Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy (BC ENV) has recently been granted changes to the Site Identification process within Bill 17 (May 2019) which contained amendments to the...
International Day of Women in Engineering
International Day of Women in Engineering is an international awareness campaign to raise the profile of women in engineering and focus attention on the amazing career opportunities available to...
Agricultural Environmental Management (AEM Code) in BC; A Quick Guide to the Code of Practice
Photo Credit: Oleksandr PidvalnyiOn February 28, 2019 the Code of Practice for Agricultural Environmental Management (AEM Code), under the BC Environmental Management Act, came into effect. This new...